Monday, October 13, 2008

Dimitri & Olga......the voicemails.

Listen to actual voicemails:
"" [The Sherman Foundation]

Once upon a time a guy, we'll call him "Dmitri," became obsessed with a woman named Olga. The romance was passionate and literary and many fond and fiery words were exchanged. Well folks, just over a century later history just about repeated itself, when a new Olga caught the eye of another, equally passionate Dimitri, one recent night near the San Francisco Marina. They spoke for no more than two minutes — just long enough for Olga to bestow upon Dimitri a business card and an abiding lust. But sadly, readers, ours is an era of constant unceasing multi-modal communication. Texts and emails and voicemails are left; deadlines, implied and explicit, are imposed; ultimatums are delivered. One almost has to wonder: is there time in such an age for true lasting passion to simmer? The outcome is unknown. But two voicemails left by this Dmitri for the "elegant" object of his desire do not portend a happy future. The transcripts — a bit is lost in the translation, such as his distinctively douchetacular pronunciations of "assume" and "man" — appear after the jump.

Message 1:

Hey Olga, it's Dimitri. Sorry I had to leave such a rushed message with you when we met the other day. I just wanted to quickly give you my phone number, and needed to get the heck out of the area. In any event, I thought I had better leave you a more detailed message and explain why I approached you. I am single. I have no trouble meeting women; I mean, women approach me six or seven times a day. But I'm extremely particular about what I like. You're an extremely elegant woman. I couldn't take my eyes off you, and your friends were very jealous — even if they say they weren't, they were envious of the fact that I approached you, and I was very taken by you. Elegant women are very rare. I'm Greek and I'm extremely particular about what I like. So I'm giving you an opportunity here. I don't know if you picked up the message on the weekend but I'm working on a movie script so I'll be doing that all weekend…

This looks like a land line, and if it is you may not get the message till Monday. But when you do, call me and we'll get together for coffee or drinks, and let the romance begin. You looked very taken aback by my approach, and I hope that wasn't timidness, I hope it was just shock at being approached so directly. Because I don't really date timid women, because I'm a very direct, very passionate, very assertive man, and I want a woman who is very independent and strong. So… we'll talk about that, but I just wanted to formally introduce myself. I leave the ball in your court. You call me as soon as you have the courage to. Okay, Olga? Talk to you soon, bye.

Message 2:

Hi there, Olga it's Dimitri calling again, the guy from the street.I left you a message several days ago you said you were interested. Now, here's the way I work. I don't like leaving second messages but I like you, you're a very elegant woman, you're very attractive, but, you know, I don't play that game. I know your friends tell you not to return calls; you're playing games like you see in stupid TV shows. So here's how it's gonna work. It is now 4:30 on Wednesday. Now I'll assume, I'll assume that you've already left work, because, you know, some people leave work early, so I'll grant you that. But if I don't receive a phone call back from you by 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon I'm no longer interested and I'm going to erase your number. I don't play games like that. I'm completely single, I'm very intelligent, I'm great in bed, I make great money. Believe it or not, I'm a complete catch. I've only been single four months; I had a long distance relationship for about a year, it's very tough to maintain it like that; there's nothing wrong with me. As a matter of fact I'm one of the few men in the city that has nothing wrong with him. So I'm giving you the three o'clock deadline. If I don't hear from you by then, you lose my number — I'm erasing your number right now, so you won't be hearing back from me.

So that's it: three o'clock tomorrow, or you can just completely forget it.

Now I understand if you've got other issues, maybe you're not playing games, I don't know… maybe you were abused in childhood?…Maybe your mother has cancer, and you're going to chemo…maybe you're just a person who's extremely frightened or has an anxiety disorder, maybe you're on some medication for that…I don't know, there could be another issue that I'm not aware of. But nobody says "Call me," hands a person a business card and then doesn't return calls. It's extremely passive aggressive. You should actually look that up, passive-aggressive personality disorder. You let me know, if you've got issues, psychological issues, if you're on any sort of medication for anxiety or depression, I'm not interested. But if you're psychologically normal, and you haven't called me because there's been some horrible thing that's happened in your life that's prevented you from returning my calls, that's fine. But otherwise? Don't call me. Okay, bye.

IDIOT. I want to punch this toolbag.


JaG said...

OMG! Thank you so much for sharing this! Is that guy scary or what!?!?! And hilarious too!! Don't forget hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Actually - he's from Toronto - he's well known there. CTV (Canadian broadcast network) did an undercover piece on him:

and here is another article on him:

the voicemails are on youtube