Friday, March 21, 2008

Just a thought...or a rant...whatev.

I hate cleaning.

The whole process of it.

Having to give up a part of my day to frickin clean.....ugh.


I -DO- LOVE the look of my house & car after I've spent a good portion of my day cleaning.

I feel energized and satisfied afterwards.

My problem = getting to the part where I'm DONE.

I get all mired in details. It's the only time I see anything related to A.D.D. with me. I absolutely cannot keep my focus on one thing when I'm cleaning. I have to bop all over the house cleaning various rooms at once.

It's quite aggravating actually.

Like now.

I am supposed to be folding my bathroom (hubby uses/cleans his own bathroom)...straightening my closet...and doing my nails.

But where am I? On the damn computer. Oy vey.

Exciting Friday night, eh?

Yeah...well...I have to be awake at 7am tomorrow for training/orientation at my new job. (Good times.) So there will be no crazyamazingdrunkentimes for me this evening.

Perhaps tomorrow. ::eyebrow wiggle::

Off to clean I go.


Barbara Doduk said...

i think we all feel that. i loathe that day of cleaning, but when i shower away the cat fur, dust bunnies and allergies that have collected on me during the process and walk out into that chemical clean smell of a fresh home... ah it was all worth it.