Friday, February 29, 2008

Please God, let me win the lottery so I can quit my job.

Here's the deal. I'm a bartender at a restaurant that is run by a completely whacked out family. There's the mother and father. They're in their 60's I'm guessing. They aren't too bad. The father likes me a lot. The mother doesn't seem to like me quite as much as she used to. They aren't there very often. The mother is there in the afternoons and the father drops by every so often. Then there's the kids. The one son is in his early 30's. (let's call him #1) He's the cool one of the family. I get along with him really good. Then there's the middle "child" (and I say CHILD because he effin acts like one all the damn time). He's 29. (let's call him #2) Then there's the daughter who I think is 27. (let's call her #3)

Okay. So. #1 & #2 are managers at the restaurant. #1 is the only one who seems to give a shit about anything that goes on there. #2 is a complete dickwad who is lazy and doesn't want to move from his chosen spot of the evening to get whatever it is that I need from the liquor room (which he has a key to and I do not). #3 likes to PRETEND she has a clue as to what running a restaurant is all about and likes to do all kinds of shit to piss off #1.

(are you following me here???)

#2 is the complete douchebag that I want to punch in the face whenever I see him. He seriously makes me want to go postal on him. Let's take last night as a perfect example.

The restaurant was PACKED. We had a cabaret/rat-pack like show going on. To give you an idea of how busy it was...on a normal Thursday night I would probably ring about $500 in sales maximum. Last night I rang $1,724. Yeah. It was slightly busy. (AND we had the inside bar open as well and 5 servers on the floor) Sooooo, it the middle of the chaos, I ask #2 to please combine two customer checks for me so that the gentleman could pay his tab and his friend's tab together with his credit card. #2 stands there, lifts his chin, turns his face away from me, and says "I'm not working tonight."


Okay. Then why the fuck are you in the restaurant? Why are you standing there staring at me all night watching my every fucking move and trying to catch me stealing whatever it is that you think I'm going to steal??? Don't you have something better to do?!?! I mean....SHIT...the other manager (who I haven't talked about yet) is behind the bar with me helping me bartend because I seriously felt like I was drowning back there by myself with the bar being 3-4 people deep. I guess I could have asked him to combine the checks, but he was BUSY WORKING. #2 is standing there doing NOTHING. Typical.


So anyways. That is what I deal with all the time. If I need something from #2 he NEVER gets it for me. If I'm running out of $1 bills and need him to break some of my bigger bills so I can give my customers change, he will NEVER get it for me.


I just don't get it. It's is the most aggravating thing EVER.

Now, the other manager who was behind the bar with me helping me out, is AWESOME. If I need something, he gets it. If I'm swamped behind the bar, he jumps back there and helps out. If I have an overload of glassware that I'm not able to wash because I'm too busy serving drinks, he gets back there and washes glasses. This is the same with #1. He's always there ready to help out. #2 & #3 are assholes who won't lift a finger if their lives depended on it.

So about #3. She is on this lil power trip lately and seems to like to get under my skin with her bullshit ways. When the time comes that I quit that place, it'll definitely be because of her and #2.

OH! And you should see how the family fights! Holy crap! #1 and #2 get into these screaming matches. Kicking each other's cars. One night a couple weeks ago, #2 was spitting over & over again all over #1's car window as #1 was trying to drive away to avoid more of a fight.

Spitting on his window.

He's 29 fucking years old.

::shaking head::

WHO DOES THAT!?!?!?!?!

#2 needs some serious psychological help. And it wouldn't hurt if #3 had a handful of sessions too.

WOW. So yeah. That's my work. I made absolutely fantastic money last night. But when I look at it as a whole and weigh it all almost having a nervous breakdown because there is so much wrong with that place that it makes it difficult to work, worth $480 in tips???

UPDATE: I quit my job on 02.29.08 (the same night that I wrote this blog entry)...I had enough of the crap and I walked out. =)